Yesterday, I got dropped off at Johna's, then we walked to Christine's house. Which took so long LOL. I was wearing thongs, and i tripped so many times :L Then we had to walk up this frigen steep as hill, and I swear we were gonna roll back down TT"
Well, we got there, and like Johna steam oiled her hair, and I dyed mine brown, well most of my hair.. its still black under neath :L Johna was being dracula with the pink towel, while sitting under the machine thingy. We stayed at Christine's for like 3 hours :L
i dont think its this colour... maybe its the lighting?
Well, other customers came, and the little kid took Christine's Salt and Vinegar chips, and coconut biscuits LOLLOL, she was gonna go mental, because the chips are literally her life.