Met up with Lynda (Justin came a bit afterwards) at the Village to buy all the food... had such a hard time deciding what to buy LOL! Whilst at the counter, I ditched Lynda to go top up my go card, then she called me telling me to hurry up cause she was scared that she didn't have enough money LOL Omg... It was a lot more than we planned and it wasn't including the drinks... Justin paid for those separately. Anyways, we bussed to Richlands Station, where we met up with Duy, Johna & Ken. Later on, Albert & Anthony came.
Trained to Roma and had the worst time getting to our destination! We walked up the biggest set up stairs and my legs were aching. Set up our area and started to cook! Lynda and Albert were cooking and Albert that little kid decided to butter everything...
With Lyndemon: LOL!
Well, everyone was starving! So we just ate, camwhored. I think the highlight of the day was probably Twister. It was so funny! And there were so many awkward positions and I blame it all on Albert! He sat on Ken... and I was under him...... nothing sus but like it was so hilarious watching everyone get "twisted". hehe. After a while, we just went to the oval and played Tiggy! Well... I was just hiding behind the bushes until Albert yelled out where I was... then I literally ran for my life and ended up getting tagged. It was soooo intense and tiring. I think all you could here was me screaming AHHA. Well, we attempted the pyramid... I kneed Johna & Lynda in the back, love you guys too ! keke.
After that we just went around and camwhored. Then sat down where the flowers were and took more pictures. Um... walked back to the train station and we went our separate ways in groups, from there. Trained to the city with Duy & Lynda, whilst Justin & Ken walked. We could've walked too... but eh. AHAHHA.
We were going to check if Zoom was opened, so I went with Duy... It was so fail in the elevator... Well it was opened, so we were gonna go back down again to tell the others... we stood there looking down at them for about 30 seconds until we realised that we didn't press the button to go back down! LOL. This happened about... another 3 times today with Duy. So we went... and I think we chose the wrong machine AHHAHA. :p I uploaded a photo to instagram (thelvo) but I can't be bothered getting it off my phone haha :p
Got on the bus to go home... Justin ditched us and told us he was going to Southbank... So, Duy, Ken and I got off at Southbank and stayed with Justin LMFAO. He loves us too much, he came to us muahha. Well, we stayed there for a bit, talked and stuff then bussed home. Duy & I sat together and I told him the "camel" joke... it was so funny... We pretty much talked about how rich Justin & Ken were... and how me and him were the stingy ones, which was why we sat separately LOL.