UQ open day

7:22 PM

Met up with Kim & Sarah at Maccas. Then we drove to Inala. Ate, and stayed there for a while. We saw Linh & Lynda :D Yeah LOL. Um, then we got dropped off at UQ. We saw an echidna.. i think thats how you spell it :L We walked around, then we went into this science place, and looked at the micro..... scopes? LOL. AND IT WAS DISGUSTING. There were like, head lice and ticks and omg. it was gross. Anyways, we went to the art place. and stayed in there for quite a while.
Look what i found :D
I LOOK SO TALL. (not really, only cus im standing next to sarah LOL)

We went back to the city by the city cat :D I'm surprised we even found where it was LOL. It actually took us a while. Um, we made it, just in time. And we went to sit at the back, it was so windy. Walked around at city. Ate. Then went into a lot of stores LOL. Then chilled. I bussed home with michelle. cus im nice :D

I should've worn a black shirt today. And black shoes. Then I would've looked like a spy. :'(

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