oh girl, i wanna say, that i've been thinking about you for days
4:16 PMFinally, nearly all exams are over. Just ONE more chem exam, and I'm FREEEEE ! YAY. Anyways, I had chem first up... and we had chem test. I sat near the window. And Huy that dog walked past, and YELLS out my frigen name, while the whole class was quiet, doing their exam. Not only did he yell out my name, he was like "RANGAAAA" And do you know how loud he is? LOUD. Why do people always yell out my name when I'm doing a test :'( Last year, someone yelled out my name as well. fml. :'(
maths 2nd up. we got our results back. Ms was like, when I was marking these, I came close to tears. We were all shitting ourselves :\ So like, I was expecting a D or a C... cause yeah, it was pretty hard yah know, and i didn't study :S I actually did better than I expected. Like, waaaay better. And I am happy. LOL. I got the same mark as Duy, but different grades. LOL :{ yeah. we cracked up when we saw all of our results 'cause they were all 'bad'. LOL. Well, we sat there for the rest of the lesson talking about our primary days. Me and Lynda remembered soo much stuff. LOL, i said "Remember that time you were walking to the bin, and you were holding a banana peel and a box of m&m's. Then you threw the box of m&m's in the bin." LOL SHE REMEMBERED TOO. Omfg, such a good memory :P We cracked up the whole lesson :L
Chem: I did my titration prac. and yeah, we talked about random stuff the entire lesson, and stalked people on fb. :L