First day back, Term 4 2011

3:52 PM

Well today mum dropped me off at school, cause I was lazy. I saw Danny walking, and it was really unusual to see him at school, at 7.30am. So I was standing there, waiting for Danny, Johna & Kim to walk down. And it turns out, that Danny's phone was still on daylight savings! LOL! What a retard, the whole day yesterday, and he didn't even change the time, or even realise that it had been changed :L

Anyways, it was really windy. And Johna, thought she had a leaf in her hair, so she slowly took it out. To her surprise (and everyone else's) it was a bug. It was fricking orange and and black and it was so gross :( Well, it was in her fingers, and she threw it onto Kim's bag. Since Danny was sitting closest to me and Johna, we both attacked him while screaming. LOL! We screamed like crazy. I feel sorry for Danny. For the first time in his life, he comes to school early, and he gets bashed! LOL, it was so gross. I feel sorry for Johna as well :( Don't worry, I feel your pain as well!

Lunch time, there was an army of ants. LOL, they had a war, and were carrying dead ants. anyways, me, linh and Johna went to see if we could change our subjects. I hope we're allowed to change. I got put into Ms Martyn's bio class! How unlucky TT" I'd rather have Ms Harvey. *sigh* And I'm a loner in legal :'(

Maths: Had a fun lesson... even though I did most of my work. LOL! Me & Linh finished most of it today *hooray* I'm gonna try get straight A's. Don't kill my goals :'( I am very, very, serious this time.

Omg, i'm on Ebuddy cause I don't have MSN on this laptop. FML, the font is killing me, its more than 2 times smaller than my usual font. :(

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