3:51 PMEng: we finally got our drafts back. lets say... we didn't do too well LOL. Me and Lynda asked a question about the movie, and Ms gave us a straightforward answer... it was so... awkward. We looked at each other, and slowly put our heads down. Let's say, it involved =3's. muahha.
Media: Linhh & I went into the editing suite. I finished off my draft. well not really. we finally figured out how to render our movie from last term LOL! We fully on cracked up, cause there was this line that was meant to say, "If you're drug free, you can't hang with me." BUT, we missed out the "hang" LOL. *FAIL*
Lunch 1: we drew out names for the Secret Santa. We had to redo it like 2 times LOL. or was it once... Well, we managed to get everyone to play, 19 people. YAY. It was so funny, some animal, i think it was a possum, ran out from the boy's toilets and Jason fully on shitted himself. I'm so curious to who has my name. :'(
Assembly: we had the captain's speech thingo. Everyone was so pro... I chose the 2nd girl, cause she involved pokemon in her speech :P LOL, but seriously, she was pro D: And surprisingly, all the dudes were pro... D: Jason got shamed out AGAIN. LOL! I think its becoming a weekly thing for him :L its so funny, cause he tripped on the way.
English: we had an exam? wtf? TT" well, we finished early so we got free time, and mrs harvey came into our classroom. and i got my phone confiscated. wow, half of the class had theirs out, and i was the only one that got caught LOL :'( dumb cunt didnt even ask for my name. TT" well, after the bell went, me and linh went to "administration" LOL, to get my stuff back, but no, had to walk all the frigen way back down to MSO. TT"
I have to do English assignment. Right now, I am on a D - C. And that isnt good. LOL. even if i try, the most i'll get is a C+ :\ shes so mean and strict on how we set it out and everything. --'