9 December 2011

3:53 PM

Today, I went to the Village with Kim. While waiting for Kim, I stood in gum. OMG, THERES A BIN FOR A REASON FML. Anyways, walked to school, and went to the office. We walked in, and it was so awkward. Cause all the teachers were having a party LOL. I didn't get my report cause they already packed it T_T.

Walked back to the village, got sushi and ate. :D Then, went into Woolies to buy nutella... LOL. Browsed around in like, most of the shops. Then bought some flowers + a balloon, and walked to Christine's house. While we were walking, Kim just decided to Jay walk right in front of a police car. so smart LOL. LUCKILY, i pulled her back as soon as she took the step off the path. It was like a mission walking to Christine's house. such steep hills. TT" We were standing there waiting for her to open the door, it was so scary. She was home yay. We had ice-cream :D and just talked. omg. these maple freaks. T_T LOL.

Then, we decided to go over Johna's house, going the other way, with no hills. We were walking, and Kim was like... "this isn't the way..." wow. LOL. we missed a turn. Walked an extra 200m cause of her. Trust me, it was soooo hot. T_T. I saw 2 dead toads ew. Finally, after 40 mins we got to Johna's house. Usually it would only take like 20 mins, but noooo LOOL.

Went to the lake, sat there and talked about our outing. I'm gonna be so cut if we're not able to go. Like... how many weeks of planning, and i'm not allowed to go? omg. devastated. T_T.

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