Lynda's 16th Party
4:58 PM
Our first groupie with EVERYONE together!
Mummy took me to Lynda's house, on the way saw Danny and Albert, so we took them too. Got there, went inside, Christine, Vi and Yuka were already there!
Soon, everyone else came. Everyone looked so pretty! Lets just say I had an awesome night. We took tonnes of pictures, and videos. We even made a cover (mv) of Call Me Maybe! We karaoke'd most of the night which was pretty funny! Oh, there was this song where Sarah was singing and she scored 100 points... and she was yelling and doing opera AHHAHA! Everyone was shocked!
Oh, before that Johna, Anthony and I "snuck out to the garden" to practice for Lynda. We were so scared she would come out. We went to the back yard and omg... :( we didn't even get to practice the whole song. so we went back inside and sang happy birthday! Then we performed. Arghhh, we were nervous, we stuffed up and this is where our back up plan took place, how we yelled our REMIX. :L We made the birthday girl cry :3 oooh she lubbbs uszzzz.
LOL, MY ARM TAN IS TOO HARDCORE. I think this was the only picture I took with her D: I dunno. Well theres tonnes of photos on Facebook!
At night, we went outside and took more pictures and yeah! Lets just say, it was an awesome night. LOL, i said that before :$ but yeah. IT WAS AMAZINGGGG.
Click Here for the pictures.