8:25 PMDad drove me to the village in the morning. When I got out of the car I was like oh shit... I left the camera at home. LOL. & Little Linh only came today to get the camera. fml. see. people never learn... NEVER rely on my shitty memory. Its funny, cause I even left the camera box in front of my door this morning... and yeah. LOL. So like, Nandos wasn't going to open till 11, so me and Linh went to woolies to buy chocolate for Josh! Then we went around :L
Bussed to City with John & Andie, then met Linhh on the bus! Got there, bought some things and then walked to South Bank. My goodness... the fricking wind is so sldkfjlsadkfjsldkfj irritating. Then we walked past this man doing tricks and decided to stay there since we were still early... so... we stayed there, and didn't go buy the movie tickets. Watched him for like 10 minutes or so, and it was so lame. LOL. Walked to the cinemas and both of the 2something sessions were sold out. GOOD WORK JOHN. Oh, we saw Huy that ass hole there too. Shame, they didn't get the tickets either :$ Anyways, walked back to the city and went to buy tickets there. Luckily... they weren't sold out. Well we watched "Ted" and asldkfjlskdjf he's so cuteeeeeeeee ! It was a pretty good movie (Y). Its funny and very sad... I swear, Andie cried... LOL.
After that we went to karaoke and it was funny :L Why are you guys such good singers for?
so devo cause Sunny is leaving IY2. :< and school is in a few days. ffmmlllllllll.