Ice skating 2013!

8:31 PM

Went ice skating for the first time in a year! So we met up at Inala then bussed there. Got there and decided to get food straight away with Johna and Jason! We wanted pizza, however, it wasn't ready. So we went to skate for about 15 minutes. Then went back ... Anthony is such a scab ... its so natural. AHAHA.

Skated around for ages. Omg, I am a master at scarring people. Well... I screamed at Jason and he got scared by my scream. AHAHHA. +1. Anyways, it was time for red rover, Duy, Anthony, Danny, Justin & I stayed on and played. We lasted for about 2 rounds? :P The round when we were gonna get caught, Duy was like "TO THE OTHER SIDE" Omg... it was so funny. Then there he was... skating off to the other side LOL.

The girls. Johna, Vi, me, Lynda

 Some of the guys. Anousa, Jason, Justin, Anthony, Duy

Skated around some more, took pictures, danced on the camera just to be seen on the T.V. AHAH. Umm... Then Lynda & Vi left. Me, Johna, Thinh, Danny, Jason, Justin & Anthony went to the city. While the cows went home.

Decided to eat at Madtongsan II. Jason now owes me a shout WOOOO OMFG :$ well we chatted about random things which was funny. I remember talking about sesame & chilli seeds. LOL. Went to pool and mucked around.Then we went home.
Can't remember what happened :(

A half truth is a whole lie.

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