1:05 PMHappy Easter everyone!
*only 1 picture cause i was too busy*
Went out with Anthony's & Duy's youth group today, which was extremely fun. I seriously did not think it was going be THAATTT fun. LOL. Okay, so car ride with Thuy (Duy's sister), Anthony and Duy was so funny. Thuy was on the phone and we were supposed to follow someones car, but at the roundabout she wasn't looking at where the car went, and went straight ahead... then we were lost. So, Nancy's & her bf, Kenny, had to lead! Wow, it was pretty funny.
Anyways, we finally reached our destination, parked, and quickly got out of the car so it made it seem like we didn't follow Kenny. We just chilled first, then went off for some activities! First up, we played that "bang" game, followed by "numbers" which was soooo crazy. I literally just grabbed everyone even though i barely knew them, and guess what !?!??!?! I WON WOOOOOO. After that we played a balloon game, how the balloon was in between our knees and we were in teams. It was like a relay thing. We won first :D but Duy's team won overall. Then, we played this ship game. We got split into 2 teams, and had to tie a rope together then quickly get to the other side, but every time the whistle blew, we ALL had to get inside the rope. omg. It was so intense. No joke. Our team ended up losing. The funny thing was... our first plan was to run to the other team and be in front of them so they couldn't move any further. So we all sprinted while holding onto the ropes. All the guys were at the front of the rope and literally dragged us all... then we bumped into the other team which ended tragically. Me, Helen and this guy fell AHAHHA it was so funny. Then when I tried getting back up, Helen pushed me down again! LOL. After that, we played an egg game. we paired up, and had to try and throw the egg from a certain point and if the egg cracks, you lose. So, I pared up with Helen and well... I'm thankful that the egg did not crack on me. Everyone was so anxious to see whose egg was going to crack first and it was ... VICKY'S! It was hilarious. :')
After the activities, we had lunch! Which was really yum LOL + I was extremely hungry. Then we stood in a circle and played volley :D
Ok ok, then the main part of the day... EASTER EGG HUNT! It was so... intense. I was in a team with Helen, Duy (a different one) and anh Duong(?)
Ahh such a fun day. then we continued playing volley ball after we ate again. car ride home was pre fun :') everyone was so nice, it was crayyyy :'D