12:33 AMI had such a productive day today (i.e. I got out of the house!). Linh called me and asked if I wanted to go up to the farm and I was like, "YEAH MAN". So, Anh came by and picked me up. The farm was all the way in Logan and it took the longest amount of time to get there. I clearly remember Anh saying, "8 minutes left", then 5 minutes later... "10 minutes left..." Yeah it was weird. Then I noticed this coffee sign and asked Anh, "Hey, didn't we drive past this before?" Turns out, she took the wrong turn and we went around in a circle :D
Anyways, "8 minutes" later we arrived at our destination! Hooray! We decided to go down to the river by the farm. Instead of walking, we used the tractor! It's so peaceful there, I wouldn't mind staying there for a few days.
Went back and up decided to and look at the duck eggs that were in the pond/lake looking thing. So we took our thongs off and went in the muddy water! Since Anh touched the eggs, we decided to take them cause ya know, the ducks don't return to their eggs if its been touched by humans. And um... we boiled them and ate them... Not gonna lie, it was pretty nice!
this is such a bad angle but AYYY EGGGS !!!
Then it started raining so we stayed for a little longer till it died down. And that was all to our 6 hour day at Logan! So much more happened but I'm lazy...